zondag 7 mei 2006

Free Horoscope and Mini Interpretation

At the site of astrologer Jan Spiller http://www.janspiller.com you can get an excellent free mini interpretation of your horoscope.
Here is mine:

Sun in Taurus The Sun represents your will and purpose, your sense of vitality and your evolving higher Self. In the sign Taurus it is Fixed-Earth, and rules the throat. Your ruling planet is Venus. Taureans revel in the pleasures of life. You crave the security and comfort of relaxing in the warmth of your home environment. You value the senses and the enjoyment of material things. You are likely to work hard to make your home an attractive one. You also have the makings of a healer and you have a large capacity for kindness. Although you are quiet on the surface, almost passive, you possess a powerful will and can be quite stubborn at times, and perhaps somewhat rigid in your thinking. You also tend to be loving, obedient and loyal. Material rewards seem to come easily to you, and you are able to lead the good life without being excessively concerned about it. You are practical, and provide a purposeful, productive and stabilizing influence for yourself and those around you.
Sun in the Eight House The Sun in the Eighth House represents a concentration of the vital force to transform and regenerate, and to relate with others intimately. You enjoy the intensity of the human animal. It is your nature to marry sensitive perception with experience. Through your understanding of your inner self, you easily perceive the motives of those around you. You penetrate every variation of deep emotion in order to confront your own nature. You act from a primal urge to merge with others, and to partake in the sacred and secret relationships between yourself and the world. Through merging with others at the depths of human experience, you investigate your own emotional desires. You are very aware of fathomless human needs through your deep knowledge of the instinctual level of interrelation, and the fear of loss, or death. Your aim is to metamorphose yourself in order to experientially manifest the cycles of death and rebirth from within your own inner world. You benefit when you experiment with and confront your fears and insecurities in healthy ways, around people who support your need to grow intensely, in order for you to maintain an ever-expanding boundary of security.
Moon in Libra The Moon in Libra gives a gentle and refined personality. You constantly strive for balance between opposing points of view. You like to please everybody, and should beware of a tendency to be all things to all people. You are the soul of courtesy, and are gracefully elegant in manner, which may also prevent your genuine emotional reaction from getting across. You truly enjoy the company of other people, and may be uncomfortable with too much solitude. You possess an elusive sweetness of nature you should strive to be true to.

Moon in the Second House
The Moon in the Second House represents being emotionally connected with one's values, with one's possessions, or the material things in this world. You may feel that your self-worth is connected with the physical manifestation of material wealth or material comfort. Your values are very important to you. You may feel compelled toward gaining material wealth or possessions when your emotional life is unfulfilling. You can also be quite generous. Your finances may fluctuate throughout your lifetime as you move through various emotional growth phases. When you follow your gut feelings you are likely to be successful financially. You excel in occupations which deal with meeting the wants and needs of other people. You feel most comfortable and secure when your values and emotions are clearly defined and you can act upon them.

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